Nslookup.exe is a command-line administrative tool for testing and troubleshooting DNS servers. This tool is installed along with the TCP/IP protocol through Control Panel.
- Nameserver: These are the servers that the internet uses to find out more about the domain. Usually they are an ISP's computer.
- Mailserver: Where email is sent to. If there is more than one entry then the one with the lowest preference (pref= X) is tried first.
- Webserver: The domains website.
- FTPserver: FTP is file transfer protocol, this server is where files may be stored.
- Hostname: The name of the host as given by the domain.
- Real Hostname: This is hostname that you get by reverse resolving the IP address, may be different to the given hostname. )
Running nslookup without specifying an IP address or domain name will display your routers server and address. To get out of the > prompt type exit and press enter.