Thursday, May 26, 2011

NSLOOKUP - what is it?

Nslookup.exe is a command-line administrative tool for testing and troubleshooting DNS servers. This tool is installed along with the TCP/IP protocol through Control Panel.

  • Nameserver: These are the servers that the internet uses to find out more about the domain. Usually they are an ISP's computer.
  • Mailserver: Where email is sent to. If there is more than one entry then the one with the lowest preference (pref= X) is tried first.
  • Webserver: The domains website.
  • FTPserver: FTP is file transfer protocol, this server is where files may be stored.
  • Hostname: The name of the host as given by the domain.
  • Real Hostname: This is hostname that you get by reverse resolving the IP address, may be different to the given hostname. )
NSLOOKUP is often used to perform a reverse lookup on an IP address. The first section specifies the server and address of that server that provided you with the domain name and IP address displayed in the second section.
Running nslookup without specifying an IP address or domain name will display your routers server and address. To get out of the > prompt type exit and press enter.